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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Steve-O's Tattoo

Steve-O's Tattoo
Steve-O's TattooBelieve it or not the crazy outgoing Steve-O does have some regrets about the many tattoos he has. However, he has no problem with the huge tattoo of himself that covers his entire back that reads "Yeah Dude, I rock! Steve-O" nor does he regret his copy cat tattooed of Angelina Jolie's prayer for her eldest son Maddox on his shoulder blade. Or having Billy Bob name written on his arm. Not to mention the "I have a small wiener" on his arm." But he does regret a pot leaf on his wrist and a certain male body part on his arm.

Tattoos-Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls

Tattoos-Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls
Tattoos-Popular Tattoo Designs for GirlsMore and more girls are getting tattooed. In some tattoo studios up to 60% of the clientèle are females. Not only that but they are no longer satisfied with a cliched tattoo of a dolphin on their ankles or a tiny rose the size of a fingernail of their back.

Declan O Reilly tattoo

Declan O Reilly tattooOriginally from Ireland, but has lived in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States for the last number of years. She currently resides in Australia. The founder of Taoism Tattoos.
he has a tattoo on his right shoulder that symbolizes a man's courage.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sexy Celebrity With Tribal Tattoo

Sexy Celebrity With Tribal TattooSexy Celebrity With Tribal Tattoo

Sexy Celebrity With Tribal TattooSexy Celebrity With Tribal Tattoo

Sexy Celebrity With Tribal TattooSexy Celebrity With Tribal Tattoo

Friday, December 3, 2010

Robert Deniro tattoo

Robert Deniro tattoo
Robert Deniro tattooTattoo Assassins , but it was unreleased; however, along with most ... actor Robert DeNiro , developed the 3DO title, Shadow: War of Succession . ...

Nicolas Cage Tattoo

Nicolas Cage Tattoowhen the character Eddie (Nicolas Cage ) mortally wounds a would-be ... characters have the name of a legendary film director tattooed on their body. ...

Ben Affleck Tattoos

Ben Affleck Tattoos
Ben Affleck Tattoos
Ben Affleck (born Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt; August 15, 1972) is an American ... He now has about a half-dozen including a tattoo of a ...

Avril Lavigne Tattoo

Avril Lavigne Tattoo
Avril Lavigne Tattoo
Avril Lavigne TattooAvril Lavigne is a famous celebrity, she had a tattoo of a tiny jusa.